domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

hey y'all

i' kinda torn down cause i realised that my english is no good. i need to get to practice it a little more often. i'm seriously considering participating in a program by St Bedes summer school, in which i've frequented several summer courses over the past years, named 'discover london'. but only by summer 2010, cause for '09 i've already stuff packed my schedulle. today i met beyonce's dancers and band...they were all so fun and nice to me! but i honestly think it was cause i actually got stg to talk about while the other people waiting to see the wannabe-diva could only scream (and they didnt even spoke english...i was asked several times to translate their conversations...omg! guess my 2nd language skills are not that bad after all, are they? anyway...) and show how nervous they were for being partof that seldom oportunity of hangin out with those pretty normal people i say.... i found out that her main guitar player is from atlanta, ga, and she's quite funny indeed! started to pose for photos like she's totally crazy. met one of the suga mama's too...not as fat as she seems on stage, but still...and one of her stylists chatted quite a bit with me and laughed at some stupid stuff i was sayin about gettin some coffe at starbucks before makin my way to the queue outside the concert hall, and even replied to a plain 'my name is antonio' with a funny 'i can get that' meant stg else i guess! ahahahah! not funny....ok, movin on...
we were nicknamed the crazy drivers by some guy from b's staff and we were told that she wouldnt leave the hotel till tomorrow but we decided to wait a bit, in vain, and then we left. bbq e andreia's tonight...i'm missin it, but it never minds cause tomorrow i'm having a blaaassst! (Shaki's waaaayyyy better, i'll keep sayin it on and on for the rest of my life cause i'm commited to the truth...believe me!)

ps - dreamed of beyonce last night...i was tellin her 'oh, i made a portuguese version of 'if i were a boy' and its called 'se eu fosse um boi' and she was lookin at me with the weirdest face on earth and then i explained it to her 'boi is like a male cow, you get that?' ahahah!

quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2009

dot dot dot

Hay que hallar algo que hacer para que tu mente no sea tomada de asalto desde el alba hasta la puesta del sol, ademas que se empeore durante la noche y no te deje dormir. Y tiene que ser algo que traiga una semilla para que no caigas en la tentacion de la despreciar así que esteas harto. La aviacion a mi me ayuda muchisimo, y la aconsejo a todos, aunque no les guste al primer experimento, es frecuente que 'escarabajo' psicologico te tome la mente y los sentidos. Una solucion mas drastica? Salir de aqui, para el lugar mas lejos que te pase por la cabeza. Lejos y desprovisto de todo a lo que estas acostumbrado. Uno se puso un libro de auto-ayuda en la cabecera y dormio sobre el asunto hasta que amanezca y desperte con una idea al azar.

En la vida todo se pasa al azar. Y eso no me cae nada bien.


So young and naive of me to think he was from your past! Silly of me to dream of one day having your is so blind it feels right when it's wrong. It'll take me some time but I will move on. Cause more and more I realise that it's all about me and my hustlers and my divas and my people. And if it ain't a ring on the finger from the very beggining, I'll put my hand in your face and I'll say 'YOUR BAD! Oh oh oh!'

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009

Banging head on wall

The male queer will grab! ahahhaha

segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2009

The Soap Opera Continues...

...And its evolving to an extremely dangerous level of insanity. Feels like some sort of evil creature hadcuffed me with stainless steel shackles that won't be opened or broken for anything in this damn stupid world. And it wasn't just my hands...I'm trapped to some kind of cheap metaphor that keeps pounding my duff head. Cheesy, huh? Guess so...and particularly disturbing as it keeps me away from the real concerns of my everyday life.

Do you know how it feels to be unable to focus on something you really want to do, even if it's part of the most important goal you want to achieve in life, part of the enterprise needed to porsue your dreams? That's me right now. I'm unable to connect with every other form of life, human, dancer, vegetable and so on, besides that vicious feeling that bears a non-human form, but it isn't material as well. L O L (like 'Él Oh Él', seriously...). How come I've come to this? I really need to get things straight, to work this shit out...and it's now beginning to feel like a primary need, just like eating or sleeping...and by the way, that's what I'm gonna do now...sleep. Rush to my best very fast and furious, dive into the sheets and in about two hours I might be sleeping.

Shoot me. N-O-W! Vol.2

(I'm seriously beggining to thik I was born to suffer...and my alter-ego isn't Jose Seita like a big friend of mine suggested a while's in fact Jesus can only be Mom's name is Maria and my father's Jose...can I recall any other major detail? Is it enough?)


domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Je suis a devenir fou. Et je peu escrire en français aussi. Surpreise!

Bienvenue à Suvarnabhumi!

0318 GMT


Estoy enloqueciéndome. Jaja! Mi vida es como el cuento de gallo capón. Así como que por entero! Como que si alguien me lo calvó en la cabeza como si fuera un cucillo. O dos...aunque sepa muy bien lo que quiero decir no lo puedo. Lo poderia intentar a repelones, pero simplesmente no es posible transponerlo de la cabeza hasta las manos. Punto.


GMT +3


That's what it is.

How can you be sure bout what's going on inside others minds? YOU CAN'T! OBAMA LIED! NO WE CAN'T!


Lately I've been living like I'm in te east coast of the US...talkin' about the timezone, of course. Going to bed at 3am, falling asleep one hour later. And that's quite an amusing hour I got to experience everyday. As if it wasn't enough for my brain to be in a permanent storm all day long, when I'm lying under the sheets with my eyes closed (for an ephemerous moment I recalled a song I've been listening to a LOT (not the Polish flag carrier) these days), it keeps assaulting me with the most different types of thoughts.
But today, as I write this cheesy post, It's focused on something else. Something I've really trying to avoid, but that's not possible no more! My brain is in love. Not me, my brain. I've been afraid, I've been peaceful, I've been hopping, I've been dreaming and even growling as a reflection of these strange kind of greeeeed!

Shoot me. N-O-W!

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2009

Rio Vol.2


It's alright, it's alright
Cause the system never fails
The good guys are in Leblon
And the bad guys are in the slum

It's alright, it's alright
Just as long as we can tan
We live in the tropics
And that's what we promote
Isn't it? Isn't it?
Isn't it? Isn't it?

It's alright, it's alright
If the news says half the truth
Hearing what we want is the secret of eternal youth
It's alright, it's alright,
If the city splits in three
Cause I'll keep selling coconut water
And you've got your cheese bread

If we forget about them don't worry
If they forget about us then hurry
How about the people who don't go to the beach anymore?
Rio, Rio, Rio

It's alright, it's alright
If they don't show all the Samba on TV
So we won't really know it
Just by watching Globo TV

It's alright, it's alright
For our tan we die or kill
As long as we don't know
We do it just to look good in photoshoots

If we forget about them don't worry
If they forget about us then hurry
How about the people who don't go to the beach anymore?
If we forget about them don't worry
If they forget about us then hurry
How about the people who don't go to the beach anymore?
Rio, Rio, Rio

Let’s keep tanning while it's sunny
They'll risk our hides to make their money
Now don't you find that funny?

If we forget about them
If they forget about us then hurry
How about the people who don't go to the beach anymore?

If we forget about them don't worry!
If they forget about us then hurry
How about the people who don't go to the beach anymore?
Rio, Rio, Rio...
Rio, Rio, Rio...

Rehab Vol. 1

Fevereiro, tem carnavau, tem carnavau!

quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2009

Rio Vol.1

O povo está louco. Estou no Rio, em casa da Pipa, popozuda e cada dia mais brasileira. Esta um calor do pior. Já morri de medo numa favela, já morri de medo no Maraca, mas está tudo optimo, tá tudo muito bem quando se tem praia, tempo, agua de côco e alguns Reais. A cidade é linda, faz jus ao apelido de 'Cidade Maravilhosa'. As pessoas, vá, essas +/-. Felizmente a Pipa safa-se, não tenho medo por ela. E com o portugues do Brasil que ela já fala até parece um deles. Ônibus é que é o transporte da moda, pareo em vez de toalha, 35º em vez de 15º...Até a Rocinha fica bonita ali a subir pelo morro acima! Gostava de ficar muito mais tempo, sem toda esta gente à volta, alguns deles roçam muito facilmente o desagradável e o snob, mas o Rio sob a asa da Pipa é qq coisa...Hei de voltar em breve...

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2009

SP Vol.2

Frases chave:

'Amor, você mudou de time?'

'Me da uma foto sua pelado...'

quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2009

SP Vol.1

Pois é meus meninos, consegui chegar a Sao Paulo sem gastar um centimo! (excepto no pq almoço no aeroporto, vá...) Fui de 22 para o aeroporto (dando uso ao magnifico pass social do qual sou portador), no voo a tripulação amou-me muito e trouxeram-me de boleia até ao hotel. Gostosura...

domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2009

Damas Solteiras

Todas as damas solteiras (7x)
Agora metam lá as mãozinhas pra cima...
Na discoteca, acabadinha de acabar,
A fazer a minha coisa piquena...
Decidistes qu'ias comerme mas afinal bazastes
Porque tá ali um damo a topar-me...
Tou na dele, ele ta na minha
Não lhe prestis nenhuma atenção
Chorei horroris, durante 3 bons aninhos,
Nã'te podes passar comigo

Porque se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!
Se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!
Nã te passes assim qu'vejas qu'ele me quer comeri...
Se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!

Oh Oh Oh (.....)

Brilhantina na boquinha, um damo nas ancas
Ai toda apertadinha nas minhas gangas da Déreon
A portar-me mal, com bebida no copinho...
Nã podia tar mais me cagando pro que tás dizendo...
Nem preciso qu'máturizes, nã ouvistes?
Nã lhe prestes nenhuma atenção
Porque tivestes a tua vez,
E agora tomá lá
Que vais saber que esta dama já não dá!

Porque se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!
Se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!
Nã te passes assim qu'vejas qu'ele me quer comeri...
Se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!

Oh Oh Oh (.....)

Nã me trates como cenas deste mundo,
Nã sou desse tipo de gaja,
O teu amor é aquilo qu'eu prefiro, que eu mereço...
Ele é o damo que me faz e me leva e m' toda
Ao destino e ao infinito e mais além...
Puxa-me prós teus bracesss
E diz lá qu'eu nã sou a gaja que te pertence
Ouvistis? Senão bazo já daqui como um fantasma!

Todas as damas solteiras (7x)
Agora metam lá as mãozinhas pra cima...

Porque se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!
Se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!
Nã te passes assim qu'vejas qu'ele me quer comeri...
Se gostastis duma coisa mete-l'um anéli!

Oh Oh Oh (.....)

quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009

Paula Bobone

Rumor has it that Mrs. Paula Bobone doesn't flush the toilet properly. As if it wasn't enough, they also say she can't reach her bottom with the toilet paper, so if you notice some extra ammount of cologne when you pass by her, don't be alarmed, it's intentional.

quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009

De Pelea Con El Mundo Vol. 1

Post revoltado portanto...

Porque é que eu mereço ir a NY? Por NADA! N-A-D-A! É pura e simplesmente um presente de Natal! Também não tiveram os vossos? Ha quem peça um dvd, uma moldura digital, roupa, um par de botas. Eu sou um lucky bastard e posso pedir uma viagem assim com relativa facilidade, porque não abdicar de todos os presentes materiais que posso receber no Natal e ir 5 dias NY enriquecer o meu espírito e alargar ainda mais os meus vastos horizontes?

[Post censurado pelo PS]

Saudações People!

domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009

Conversa entre mãe e filha psicopatas...

M: posso apagar a luz da cozinha ?
F: podes
M: nao vais aquecer água para o saco de agua quente ?
F: nao
M: pq ?
F: pq nao
M: ok, se voltares a acender a luz da cozinha p aquecer a água poe t fora desta casa
F: ok mae
M: mas tens a certeza
F: sim

NY Vol.1

Antonio The New Yorker...that's what they used to call me there...cause I actually looked like one of them! With the exception of this precious moment when I was with my cousin Sofia in Times Sq. making fun of the portuguese emigrants in the U.S. and behaving like a really idiot tourist...Enjoy:

sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2009


Nada melhor para começar do que uma história que me contaram há cerca de 1 ano, numa viagem que fiz a São Paulo...

Uma miuda de 4 anos (ATENÇÃO: QUATRO) estava na sala a ver tv com a mãe quando, numa novela, um casal se beija assim sem vergonha nenhuma, a mãe da miuda pega no comando e muda de canal, mas mal imaginava q a filha se ia virar para ela e dizer tal e qual isto: 'Mamãe, cê sabi qui quando vêjo duas pessoas si bêjando ná tv mi dá um nervosinho na xoxota?'